
Check out Our Projects

See How We Approach Business Objectives

Elevate Your Business Meetings with the Metaverse

Imagine you’re the CEO of a thriving software development company, leading a team of innovative minds scattered across the globe.

Technologies Used:
  • Nodejs
  • Reactjs
  • Vuejs
  • Unity
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstrap

Developing a WordPress Transport Price Calculator Plugin

The transportation industry often involves complex pricing structures based on factors such as distance, weight, dimensions, and additional services.

Technologies Used:

  • WordPress
  • Mysql
  • Palletways API

Web-Based Application for Automated Product Valuation

In today’s fast-paced digital marketplace, individuals are increasingly looking for convenient ways to sell their pre-loved items online.

Technologies Used:
  • WordPress
  • Mysql
  • Bootstrap
  • Adobe Photoshop

3D Virtual Reality Modeling

Perfect tool for creating proof of concept. Interactive virtual Reality Model of the project

Technologies Used:

  • Unity
  • WebGL

Interactive Marketing Booths

Provide users a unique experience of virtual exhibit & make them interested by providing specific details

Technologies Used:
  • SVG
  • Html
  • CSS
  • jQuery

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